Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Matte Black Retainer Septum

ago A few nights ago, I was in the mind wander just before sleep, so I decided to take my notebook and my pencil to practice drawing something so simple relaxation or desestrés ... Such was the mental block at that time took possession of me that I was about to throw the material drawing and choose to watch some tv (typical) but in turn were quite eager to want to draw my hands for something. .. Then I made the effort to scribble or sketch something in my notebook to the extent that an almost involutaria I started to make strange mixes, crosses or say to yourself amalgams of different species of animals without the slightest congruence with each other, which resulted in really curious beings, better known as hybrids with much humor and carefree ... As I mentioned above are only sketches of practice without any particular purpose ... For now.